N317HM is an excellent aircraft. This bird was acquired in Columbus, Ohio, and the Cross Country to Corpus Christi was magical. Proven to be an outstanding primary trainer and a great vacation vehicle to Horseshoe Bay Resort or a weekend trip to Houston.
Useful Load: 1033 lbs
Fuel Capacity - 50 Gallons
180 HP Lycoming O-360-A4A motor
Horsepower - 180
Garmin 530w
Full Auto- Pilot
50-gallon wing tanks
excellent ventilation
Rental Rate (Hourly/ Wet)
Member: $200.00
Student: $215.00
Non-Student/ Non-Member: $275.00
Build Multi-Engine time or rent her for a smooth cross-country! Our Cessna 310L features a Garmin GNS 355, Stratus ESI Transponder Package with ADS-B In and Out, and two Continental IO-460 motors with 260 Horsepower each. Pack your family or friends and fly for over four hours in this aircraft at about 180 KIAS.
Rental Rates (Hourly/Wet)
Members - $475.00
Student: $485.00
Non-Student/Member: $550.00
Horsepower - 260 Per Engine
Fuel Capacity - 140 Gallons (636 lbs)
Useful Load - 1730 lbs
N5129S is an excellent aircraft. This bird was acquired in Florida, and the Cross Country to Corpus Christi was magical. With a useful load of 758 lbs, 50-gallon wing tanks, excellent ventilation, and its 150 HP Lycoming O-320 motor, she has proven herself to be an outstanding primary trainer and a great vacation vehicle in Horseshoe Bay Resort or a weekend trip to Houston.
Rental Rates (per hour)
Members: $165.00
Student: $180.00
Non-Student/ Non-Member: $225.00
Horsepower - 150
Fuel Capacity - 50 Gallons (300 lbs)
Useful Load - 758 lbs
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